
Find employees that sync with your organization’s strategy and values.

Our Talent services:

Are you running a small business and looking for more staff? Well, in that case, the priority is to find the right talent and we are here to assist you – we’ll connect you with the sort of talent that will propel your business. Our professional team at Iczake specializes in headhunting talent that serves your small business. We do this by formulating a goal-oriented personnel strategy that caters to your needs and outcomes. All our placements have above-industry retention because we understand that small businesses need committed and loyal staff to excel!


We Offers the best and reliable pricing plans for your Business. Grab your plan today!


  • Resume Scrapping
  • Candidate Sourcing
  • Candidate Screening
  • Interviewing
  • Job descriptions - 1


  • Resume Scrapping
  • Candidate Sourcing
  • Candidate Screening
  • Interviewing
  • Job descriptions - 2


  • Resume Scrapping
  • Candidate Sourcing
  • Candidate Screening
  • Interviewing
  • Job descriptions - 4


Started on Your Project

our job goes beyond just imagining and creating beautiful digital design concepts. creating beautiful Our job is also to make...

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